Relay For Life of Penn State University

April 6, 2024

02:00 PM

Multi Sport Facility

University Drive

State College, PA

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Tom Chucuddy


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Event Fundraising

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Top Participants

  1. All-Star Level Personal Donation Made Julia Mertes - $3,536.28
  2. All-Star Level Personal Donation Made Colin Ponticello - $2,838.25
  3. Grand Club Personal Donation Made Aleah Kost - $1,150.58
  4. Grand Club Personal Donation Made Jessie Evans - $1,122.80
  5. Silver Club Personal Donation Made Joel Jaskolski - $599.70
  6. Silver Club Personal Donation Made Olivia Evanko - $505.13
  7. Silver Club Personal Donation Made Lindsay Stetzer - $502.38
  8. Bronze Club Personal Donation Made Emma Kilgallon - $474.63
  9. Bronze Club Personal Donation Made Sydney Peirson - $440.00
  10. Bronze Club Personal Donation Made Evan King - $405.29

We’ve Raised $37,814.94
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Fund the Future We envision a future where our children no longer live with the threat of breast cancer and where everyone has a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive this disease. By supporting the Making Strides movement, you help ensure the American Cancer Society can continue fighting for that same vision. Together, we can help fund the future of breast cancer research and programs for our loved ones today – and for the next generation.


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