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****Being a SURVIVOR isn't easy....
As I look back on my journey I can see how strong I have been and still need to be. Being a SURVIVOR comes with many worries, aniexiety, pain and so many emotions. I did test negative for the BRCA Gene but that doesnt make the worry any less. I have a good friend who tested negative for the gene and wound up with stage 4 bone cancer.  I have learned to cherish each day, say sorry when I am wrong, embrace everything that life has to offer. You never know how you are going to handle hearing that word CANCER...many of us break down and letit defeat us, others use it and fight with all they have. Many of us have families to help be our support and some may not have that. My goal is to continue to raise awareness and raise as much money as I can to be able to help those in need. Be sure to always check yourself. Both women and men can get breast cancer. Listen to your bodies, trust your gut, save your life with early detection. If you can find it in your hearts to spare a few dollars you would be helping in ways that you could never imagine.

****July 16, 2024 UPDATE....

Where to begin...3 years ago in Jan 15, 2021 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in my left breast. I had spent several months going for test after test...On Feb 16th 2021 I went to the operating table for a 9 1/2 hour diep flap breast cancer surgery. After surgery I went thru the healing process mentally, physically and emotionally. I had to go undergo more testing to make sure it all the cancer was gone. On July 16th 2021 I received the call that I was declared Cancer Free! Here I am 3 years later still advocating for Breast Cancer awareness. I walk the Jones Beach camcer walk and will honor those lost, pray for those fighting and support those who need it. 
🪬🎈❤3 Years Cancer Free🪬🎈❤

****May 2024 UPDATE...
So to date things have been the same. The doctors did a CT of my chest, pelvis and stomach because they keep finding masses that are coming back inconculsive. The results came back negative for my tests. So at this point they are going to just keep watching and checking what they find. Its scary amd its something I will live with for the rest of my life. I choose to make the most of this life I have been given. Ive mended broken friendships, created new ones and embrace each day with whatever it throws at me
****July 2023 UPDATE...
So my doctor did the biopsy and was convinced based on what she saw that I would have to have the mass removed. On July 21st the results came back from the biopsy and it was NEGATIVE.. I thank god every day for having the strenght to get through these biopys. I have to do another follow up about 4-6 months from now. 
****June 2023 UPDATE....
So I just got back from the breast doctor. me. .e fibroblast they found and biopsed in Jan of this year is gone. It went away on its own. When she checked the right side she found a 6mm Lump. Its the area between the skin and the new tissue. She is going to biopsy it on July 11th. If the results come back as cancer they will remove the lump and I will then have to go for radiation. 
****Feb 2023 UPDATE...
So as many of you know I stay on top of my apointments. In the beginning of Jan I went for my 6 month check up and they found a mass in my left breast. The mass measures .8 mm. The doctor drew from it. I have a A Typical Fibroblast mass that they dont know much about. I have met with my oncologist as well as my breast surgeon has sent out my results to a few oncologist she knows. They all have said that at this time its nothing to be concerned with but will continue to watch it. Each oncologist has said that this is a new mass that they dont have much medical findings on. With that said I got nervous and wanted it removed. My doctor whome I trust very much said lets wait until next visit to see if anything changes. I have agreed and have started researching as much as I can on this mass. 
All the material I am finding is saying its benign, so I am taking it one step at a time.
June 27, 2022 ~ UPDATE~
So I want to take a minute to update you. So today I went for my yearly check up with my Breast Surgeon. It was a surprising update. At this time they have found several cysts in the right breast. I know what your thinking how is that possible with a double  masectomy..well it is...since they didn't remove the whole breast and do expanders there is still some breast tissue left around the breast wall. With that said the doctor is confident that its negative and not to worry but that is much easier said then done. On July 12th I will be going for another round of biopsys to test these cysts. In the unlikely event they are not negative I will find out what my next steps will be. If they are negative we will monitor and possibly treat to get ride of them. At this time its kinda hard to stay positive because the last time I went through this they told me the same thing and it turned out to be cancer. 
               ~My Story~
My journey began back in Oct of 2020. I had gone for my annual pap and my doctor asked if I had gone for my baseline mamo. Of course I had not gone so I made an appointment. The doctor called me back about a week later and said he didn’t like the results and wanted me to go for a sono. At this point he wasn’t too concerned because it was my first mamo. So I made an appointment and went for the sono. I get a call about a week later and was told that the results are not definitive so he wanted me to go for a sono with biopsy. So once again I make an appointment get the sono with biopsy which hurt like hell. A few days later he calls me and says he wants me to see a breast specialist. Now I start to worry...what is going on...so in the middle of December at this point I meet with my breast specialist. We go over everything...she says to me she wants me to go for an MRI with and without contrast...so here i am once again going for another test...a few days later I get a call that the results don't look good and she now wants another MRI with and without contrast with a biopsy in several spots. So once again I go for another test..lone and behold on Jan 15th, 2021 at 12:10 in the afternoon I got the call that I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I am 1 in 5 women who developed breast cancer without having a mutated BRACA gene. So the next step was to meet with her in her office to go over the results and discuss the course of action. A little over three weeks later on Feb 16, 2021 I had a 9 hour surgery. I had opted for a double mastectomy with Diep Flap reconstruction. The whole process affected me emotionally, mentally and physically as well as my husband and children. I am now cancer free thankfully and a strong survivor. This walk means a lot to me and my family. If you can help with even a small donation that would be amazing and if you’re interested in walking with me I would love that!


The funds I’m raising will sustain critical research and provide services for people trying to cope with their breast cancer experience. Believe me, every dollar really does count, so I’m asking you to please donate today. Together, we can make a big difference in the fight against breast cancer.


I'm supporting the American Cancer Society and you can, too!

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I'm supporting the American Cancer Society and you can, too!

Company: NYBRA Plastic Surgery

****Being a SURVIVOR isn't easy....
As I look back on my journey I can see how strong I have been and still need to be. Being a SURVIVOR comes with many worries, aniexiety, pain and so many emotions. I did test negative for the BRCA Gene but that doesnt make the worry any less. I have a good friend who tested negative for the gene and wound up with stage 4 bone cancer.  I have learned to cherish each day, say sorry when I am wrong, embrace everything that life has to offer. You never know how you are going to handle hearing that word CANCER...many of us break down and letit defeat us, others use it and fight with all they have. Many of us have families to help be our support and some may not have that. My goal is to continue to raise awareness and raise as much money as I can to be able to help those in need. Be sure to always check yourself. Both women and men can get breast cancer. Listen to your bodies, trust your gut, save your life with early detection. If you can find it in your hearts to spare a few dollars you would be helping in ways that you could never imagine.

****July 16, 2024 UPDATE....

Where to begin...3 years ago in Jan 15, 2021 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in my left breast. I had spent several months going for test after test...On Feb 16th 2021 I went to the operating table for a 9 1/2 hour diep flap breast cancer surgery. After surgery I went thru the healing process mentally, physically and emotionally. I had to go undergo more testing to make sure it all the cancer was gone. On July 16th 2021 I received the call that I was declared Cancer Free! Here I am 3 years later still advocating for Breast Cancer awareness. I walk the Jones Beach camcer walk and will honor those lost, pray for those fighting and support those who need it. 
🪬🎈❤3 Years Cancer Free🪬🎈❤

****May 2024 UPDATE...
So to date things have been the same. The doctors did a CT of my chest, pelvis and stomach because they keep finding masses that are coming back inconculsive. The results came back negative for my tests. So at this point they are going to just keep watching and checking what they find. Its scary amd its something I will live with for the rest of my life. I choose to make the most of this life I have been given. Ive mended broken friendships, created new ones and embrace each day with whatever it throws at me
****July 2023 UPDATE...
So my doctor did the biopsy and was convinced based on what she saw that I would have to have the mass removed. On July 21st the results came back from the biopsy and it was NEGATIVE.. I thank god every day for having the strenght to get through these biopys. I have to do another follow up about 4-6 months from now. 
****June 2023 UPDATE....
So I just got back from the breast doctor. me. .e fibroblast they found and biopsed in Jan of this year is gone. It went away on its own. When she checked the right side she found a 6mm Lump. Its the area between the skin and the new tissue. She is going to biopsy it on July 11th. If the results come back as cancer they will remove the lump and I will then have to go for radiation. 
****Feb 2023 UPDATE...
So as many of you know I stay on top of my apointments. In the beginning of Jan I went for my 6 month check up and they found a mass in my left breast. The mass measures .8 mm. The doctor drew from it. I have a A Typical Fibroblast mass that they dont know much about. I have met with my oncologist as well as my breast surgeon has sent out my results to a few oncologist she knows. They all have said that at this time its nothing to be concerned with but will continue to watch it. Each oncologist has said that this is a new mass that they dont have much medical findings on. With that said I got nervous and wanted it removed. My doctor whome I trust very much said lets wait until next visit to see if anything changes. I have agreed and have started researching as much as I can on this mass. 
All the material I am finding is saying its benign, so I am taking it one step at a time.
June 27, 2022 ~ UPDATE~
So I want to take a minute to update you. So today I went for my yearly check up with my Breast Surgeon. It was a surprising update. At this time they have found several cysts in the right breast. I know what your thinking how is that possible with a double  masectomy..well it is...since they didn't remove the whole breast and do expanders there is still some breast tissue left around the breast wall. With that said the doctor is confident that its negative and not to worry but that is much easier said then done. On July 12th I will be going for another round of biopsys to test these cysts. In the unlikely event they are not negative I will find out what my next steps will be. If they are negative we will monitor and possibly treat to get ride of them. At this time its kinda hard to stay positive because the last time I went through this they told me the same thing and it turned out to be cancer. 
               ~My Story~
My journey began back in Oct of 2020. I had gone for my annual pap and my doctor asked if I had gone for my baseline mamo. Of course I had not gone so I made an appointment. The doctor called me back about a week later and said he didn’t like the results and wanted me to go for a sono. At this point he wasn’t too concerned because it was my first mamo. So I made an appointment and went for the sono. I get a call about a week later and was told that the results are not definitive so he wanted me to go for a sono with biopsy. So once again I make an appointment get the sono with biopsy which hurt like hell. A few days later he calls me and says he wants me to see a breast specialist. Now I start to worry...what is going on...so in the middle of December at this point I meet with my breast specialist. We go over everything...she says to me she wants me to go for an MRI with and without contrast...so here i am once again going for another test...a few days later I get a call that the results don't look good and she now wants another MRI with and without contrast with a biopsy in several spots. So once again I go for another test..lone and behold on Jan 15th, 2021 at 12:10 in the afternoon I got the call that I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I am 1 in 5 women who developed breast cancer without having a mutated BRACA gene. So the next step was to meet with her in her office to go over the results and discuss the course of action. A little over three weeks later on Feb 16, 2021 I had a 9 hour surgery. I had opted for a double mastectomy with Diep Flap reconstruction. The whole process affected me emotionally, mentally and physically as well as my husband and children. I am now cancer free thankfully and a strong survivor. This walk means a lot to me and my family. If you can help with even a small donation that would be amazing and if you’re interested in walking with me I would love that!


The funds I’m raising will sustain critical research and provide services for people trying to cope with their breast cancer experience. Believe me, every dollar really does count, so I’m asking you to please donate today. Together, we can make a big difference in the fight against breast cancer.


Your support allows the American Cancer Society to continue:

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Fighting breast cancer in city halls, statehouses, and Congress by elevating the patient voice to advance policy change through the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)

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Patient Support

Ensuring no one feels alone at any point on their breast cancer journey, from prevention to survivorship, and, for some, the end of life.

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Investing in breakthrough science to find more - and better - treatments, uncover factors that may cause breast cancer, and improve patients' quality of life.

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Health Equity

Ensuring that all people have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive breast cancer. ACS and ACS CAN believe all people should have a fair and just opportunity to live a longer, healthier life free from cancer regardless of how much money they make, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, gender identity, their disability status, or where they live.

Purchase a Tribute

Tributes honor every life touched by cancer. You can dedicate them to a loved one lost, someone currently battling, or anyone who's overcome it.

Purchase a Tribute

Thank You to All The Donors

Thank you for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against breast cancer.

Donate to Save Lives

Our Sponsors

Many thanks to our generous sponsors for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against breast cancer.


Need an event shirt or looking for other ways to bring more pink into your wardrobe?

Check out our online store today. Proceeds from every purchase will benefit the American Cancer Society and the fight against breast cancer.

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Could help provide free access to 24-hour information and support via phone, email, and online chats for one person.
Could help provide free access to 24-hour information and support via phone, email, and online chats for two people.
Could help provide 8 rides to and from treatment for a breast cancer patient with our Road to Recovery® program.
Could offer a cancer patient and their caregiver one night of free lodging at a Hope Lodge® location.
Any donation amount helps save lives from breast cancer.

Welcome to our Team Page. We've formed a team because this cause is important to us. We want to help. And walking and raising money in our local American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event is the best way we can do that. We all have different reasons for participating but we share a determination to help save lives from breast cancer.

There are so many ways that the money our team raises helps. It’s helping fund innovative research. It's providing free information for people dealing with the disease. It’s providing rides to treatment and places to stay for people who have to seek treatment far from home. In short, our money is helping save lives. Consider donating to our team and helping advance the cause.

How We Support the American Cancer Society

Of course we walk in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event. And we solicit donations from family, friends, and other supporters. But we also schedule fundraisers in lead-up to the big event. Bake-sales, car washes, and countless other types of events. And we promote those on social media, through Facebook and Twitter, by word of mouth, and through flyers at work and around the neighborhood. The success of fundraising events depends on two things - hard work and getting the word out. And we're out to do both. Keep an eye out for our fundraising events.

Join us. Donate today. Or walk with us.

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Making Strides of Long Island Presented by Teachers Federal Credit Union
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer