Relay For Life
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I'm supporting the American Cancer Society and you can, too!

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  • Team:Theta Chi

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    Company: Theta Chi

    Cancer has affected too many people I love. That's why I've joined Relay For Life to celebrate survivors, remember those we've lost, and offer up support to anyone in our community who's been affected by it.
    The funds I'm raising will sustain critical research and provide services for people trying to cope with their cancer experience. Believe me, every dollar really does count, so I'm asking you to please donate today. 

    Your support allows the American Cancer Society to continue:

    advocate img advocate img


    Fighting cancer in city halls, statehouses, and Congress by elevating the patient voice to advance policy change through the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN)

    patient img patient img

    Patient Support

    Ensuring no one feels alone at any point on their cancer journey, from prevention to survivorship, and, for some, the end of life.

    advocate img advocate img


    Investing in breakthrough science to find more - and better - treatments, uncover factors that may cause cancer, and improve patients' quality of life.

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    Health Equity

    Ensuring that all people have a fair and just opportunity to prevent, find, treat, and survive cancer. ACS and ACS CAN believe all people should have a fair and just opportunity to live a longer, healthier life free from cancer regardless of how much money they make, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, gender identity, their disability status, or where they live.

    Purchase a Luminaria

    Luminarias honor every life touched by cancer. You can dedicate them to a loved one lost, someone currently battling, or anyone who's overcome it.

    Purchase a Luminaria

    Thank You to All The Donors

    Thank you for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer.

    Donate to Save Lives

    Our Sponsors

    Many thanks to our generous sponsors for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer.

    Welcome to My Personal Page

    Support Nathaniel!
    Join Nathaniel's Team!
    Theta Chi
    TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
    Personal Donation Made
    I made a personal donation
    Nathaniel Von Ruden
    25 percent of goal achieved.
    Goal:  $100.00
    Raised  $25.00

    Make a gift to support
    Nathaniel Von Ruden

    Fundraising Honor Roll

    Cancer has affected too many people I love. That's why I've joined Relay For Life to celebrate survivors, remember those we've lost, and offer up support to anyone in our community who's been affected by it.
    The funds I'm raising will sustain critical research and provide services for people trying to cope with their cancer experience. Believe me, every dollar really does count, so I'm asking you to please donate today. 

    If you are unable to donate online, please print a donation form to mail in your donation.