Relay For Life

Relevo Por La Vida de SurOeste

Walmart Ponce Norte-La 14

Even though we all have our own reason for joining Relay For Life, we'll take down cancer because we're in it together. Our team is fundraising for the American Cancer Society's support service and lifesaving research. 
Believe us, every dollar really does count, so we're asking for your help. Please donate or join our team today, because together we can end cancer.

Walmart Ponce Norte-La 14 - Join Team Raised
Julio Alvarez $0.00
Edelmilly Caraballo $0.00
Edwin Centeno $0.00
Nelson Colon $0.00
Yamilka De Jesus $0.00
Irma Diaz $0.00
Paola Galvez $0.00
Guelmari Martinez $0.00
Yasmin Ramirez $0.00
Hector Ramos $0.00
Nandiel Rosado $0.00
Juan Sosa $0.00
Tania Vazquez $0.00
Bronze Club Personal Donation Made Marian Velazquez $313.89
Team Gifts $5,850.64
Denotes a Team Captain
Join Walmart Ponce Norte-La 14


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Luis Vega

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