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TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
Personal Donation Made
I made a personal donation
Ms. Lisa Diane Milam
5 percent of goal achieved.
Goal:  $1,000.00
Raised  $50.00

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Ms. Lisa Diane Milam

Fundraising Honor Roll

Help me Celebrate More Birthdays!

Each year I take time away from my birthday celebration in May to help others Celebrate More Birthdays by participating in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Gwinnett County.  This year I am hoping you will support me.

Like you, I know too many people who have been touched my cancer.  It could be a relative, a friend, a co-worker or maybe you yourself.  The Relay For Life movement gives everyone an opportunity to come together to make a difference and fight back.  A Relay For Life event is much more than walking around a track all night, we honor our cancer survivors, remember those we have lost to this horrible disease, and raise funds and awareness to help end cancer forever. 

The good news?  Because of the funds raised by Relay participants like me, more people in my community: Have a place to turn for help 24/7, benefit from the progress being made toward finding cancer's causes and cures, and get access to lifesaving screenings and treatment.

Have the information and tools they need to avoid getting cancer or find the disease early, when it's easiest to treat

I would truly appreciate your online donation.  Every dollar raised brings us closer to a world with less cancer and more birthdays – a world where not another life is lost to this disease.

Thank you for your support!  Together we can finish the fight and Celebrate More Birthdays!

Thank you!


If you are unable to donate online, please print a donation form to mail in your donation.