Wines For Humanity LLC
Wines For Humanity LLC
Abdul Waheed
Adam Gerstler
Adam Kimbler
Adam Ray
Ahmad Abdallh
Ahmed Awad
Alain Abboud
Alan and Lauren
Alek Budziosz
Aleksandra Epshteyn
Alex Bellfy
Alexander Carels
Alexus Gavin
Alexus Gavin
Alicia Ramirez
Allison Minowa
Amanda Bresler
Amy Schultz
Ana Shah
Andrea Hale
Andrew Keaton
Andrew Popp
Angela Dobbins
Angelo DiCicco
Angie Pizzuti
Anjanette Custard
Ann Hayes
Anna B
Anthony Battle
Anthony Bragadin
Anthony L Kitchen Sr.
Anthony Mazzocco
Anthony Terrick
Ariel Jordan
Arif Mukhtar
Ashley Lucier
Ashley Priskey
Ashley Russell
Aunts Sandi & Linda
Austin Masterson
Ayo Dawodu
Barbara Cooper-Schaeffer
Barbara Scupholm
Barry Kaplan
Beulah First Missionary Baptist Church
Bichoy Guirguis
Bill Aluia
Bill Stansberry
Bobby Zimmerman
Brandon Francis
Bret OBrien
Brian Harris
Brian Tobey
Bruno Petrucci
Carl Bean
Carlo Arnini
Carol Gill
Caroline Westmoreland
Cathy Mikesell
Cecilia Thompson
Cecilia Tramel
Chad Fields
Chantelle Vaughan
Charles Fowlkes
Charles Neil
Charlotte Scales
Chris Roose
Christina Warner
Christopher Bence
Christopher Domingos
Christopher HooSang
Christopher John
Christopher Mira
Claudia Lalancette
Colette Marshall
Courtney Vangilder
Daniel Sand
Danny Salisbury
Dave and Kay Stansberry
Dave Inwood
Dave Williamson
David Page
David Reaves
David VanVliet
Dawn Jarinski
Dawn Riley
Dawn Shreve
Deborah Meyers
Dennis Pellerin
Derek Singleton
Diane Antishin
Diane Antishin
Diane Banks
Diane Shureb
Don McCormick
Donald Demiri
Doug Lowney
Doug Wellman
Douglas A
Dwight Brown
Ebony Robinson
Elana Holmgren
Elias Baraque
Elizabeth Dodge
Elizabeth Mott
Ellen Allotta
Elvana Hammoud
Emilie Ferraiuolo
Emily Pielack
Emily Seltz
Enixa Shelby
Enrique Aguilar
Eric Janness
Eric Topelian
Erik Hansor
Eternity Greene
Eunhye Lee
Evan Brunt
Evan Guay
Evan J Smith
Fleet Team - Car Show
Francis Torrey
Frank Jere
Frank Sirwaitis
George Andary
Gloria Kramer
Gloria Wise
Gregory Rice
Gretchen Matthews
Grosse Ile High School- Red Nation
Hannah M
Hanzala Hafiz
Harry Stansell
Heather Betts
Heidi Daniels
Helen Tan
Henry Decker
Henry Decker
Hitesh Parikh
Holly Strohmeyer
Home Duke
HR Health and Welfare Benefits
Independence Demolition
Jack Wahrman
Jacob Walker
Jacque Deconick
James Rachwal
Jamie Capellari
Jane Burton-Meacham
Jason Clemens
Jason Frenzel
Jason Sydor
Jazminn Richmond
Jeff Pawlik
Jeff Ray
Jeffery Brooks
Jeffery Brooks
Jeffrey Rains
Jenafir Kennedy
Jennifer Hazleton
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Wells
Jerome Hooper
Jill Chereson
Jill Yakima
Jodie Jose
John Bowers Sr.
John Caretti
John Glines
John Locke
John VanHouten
John Wentrack
Johnathon Sterlini
Jon Larsen
Jonah Nye
Jordan Merreot
Jordan Vandeputte
Jose and Jeanne Sanchez
Joseph Petco
Joseph Vicari
Josh Newton
Joshua Brucksch
Joshua Holmes
Juan Negron
Judi Kwon
Judi Kwon
Judy Cocke
Julia Huffman
Julie Acs-Ray
Justin Jacobs
Karen Guarino
Karen Personett
Kari Cappello
Karim Zeitoun
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Kate Adams
Katie Logan
Katie Nahas
Keegan Farrell
Keith E Littler
Keith Littler
Keith Thomas
Kelly Drenth
Kelly Gardner
Kelly Vroom
Kelsey Coffman
Kelsey Peterson
Kelsey Switzer
Kenedie Kersten
Kevin Bennett
Kevin Dumas
Kevin Haener
Kevin Henry
Khaled Zeitoun
Khaleel Hussain Mohammed
Kim Godfrey
Kim Meszaros
Kim Owens
Kimberly Giles
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Webb
Kris Dunn
Kristi McMahon
Kristin McBurrows
Kristin Zaiki
Kristy Hall
Lare Blum
Larry and Nancy Umerlik
Latina McKay
LaTonya Causey
Laura Mikulan
Laura Tacey
Lauren Siegert
Lauren Wahrman
Leah Carroll
Lila Tomlin
Linnea Riddell
Lisa Broomfield
Lisa Pennefather
Lloyd Cowles
Louis Guerreso
M Anthony Jackson
Mahmuda Mouri
Marc Poma
Marc Zupmore
Marca Brown
Marcia Hurst
Marcy Bruneel
Marge Pente
Marissa Doutsas
Mark Kovalcik
Mark Thomas
Markus Leuker
Marlo Eisley Holloway
Martina Boda
Marvin Morse
Mary Asher
Matching Gift Challenge 10/25-31
Matthew Evon
Matthew Frost
Matthew Granati
Matthew Hicks
Matthew Moore
Matthew Van Dyk
Matthew Winkelman
Meghan McLuckie
Meri Tedford
Mhaycy Corpuz
Michael Brennan
Michael Carroll
Michael Ellis
Michael Fedele
Michael Flamont
Michael Godell
Michael Listello
Michael Mehl
Michael Mullins
Michael Seischab
Michael Solo
Michael Waraksa
Michael Wood
Michele Carrigan
Michelle McIntosh
Michiel Bates
Mindy Willis
Monica Garagiola
Morgan Andahazy
Motor City Electric Co.
Mr. Matthew Zierau
Ms. Melissa J Jacobs
Mynal Marshall
Nancy Armos
Nancy Cenzer
Neil Mortensen
Nelson Worner
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Sarkissian
Nicole Scarsella
Niklas Heglin
Noah Zarbaugh
Norman Rudder
Nvision Learning Solutions
Palmira Stoyanova
Patricia Fleck
Patricia Smith
Paul Dzanbazoff
Paula Gajewski
Pete Merkel
Peter Martin
Peter Snyder
Pho Lucky Bourbon Tasting
Pho Lucky Bourbon Tasting
Rachel Goers
Rachel Lissner
Raied Hanoudi
Rani Afram
Rebecca Keefe
Rebecca Williams
Rene Reyes
Renee Tomina
Rhokenya Todd
Rhonda Salazar
Richard Turnbell
Rob Marvin
Robert Ashman
Robert Bellini
Robert Bence
Robert Stansberry
Rocket Man
Roger Righetti
Ryan Audette
Ryan Randazzo
Safety Consortium
Saleh Alshakdary
Sally Bossio
Samantha Moyer
Sarah Bence
Sarah Schafer
Sarah Stubbs
Scott Elliott
Scott Johnson
Scott Spiewak
Scott Vangilder
Senay Tascioglu
Senay Tascioglu
Sergio Perez
Shane Dunbar
Shane Smith
Shannen Hartwick
Shannon AbelaGodfrey
Shara Olsen
Shari Kirby
Sharif Bacon
Sharon Bence
Sharon Carroll
Sharonda Finley
Shayla Manning
Sheri Pendry
Sheri Pendry
Stacey Stackpoole
Stacy Beck
Stacy Cords
Stephanie Coleman
Stephanie Roestel
Stephanie Tompa
Steven Benyard
Sue Burton
Suman Desaraju
Susan Aldworth
Susan Lefever
Tai Brown
Tarek Tamimi
Teresa Tran
Teresa Wiggins
Terry Spryszak
The Harrahill Family
Thomas Gorenflo
Thomas Teasdale
Tim Joyce
Todd Dusky
Todd Lieberman
Tom Bence
Travis Megill
Travis Pratt
Trent Baar
Venus Randle
Via Shephard
Victor Allen
Victoria Windom
Viking Warrior Axe Throwing Co.
Vilma Tonon
VPS Team
Wendy Brann
Xxx Kamalpreet Kaur
Yara Racine
Yazmin Raya
Yolanda Reid
Zach Jones
Zachary Dymczyk
Zenobia Grace