Making Strides of the Triangle

ICF Team - NC Triangle (Durham) Walk

Breast cancer has  likely touched all of our lives in one way or another. My mother is a survivor, my great grandmother fought the disease, and I am at high risk. You likely know someone who has had breast cancer or may be at risk yourself.
This Fall ICF employees and friends will rally together to participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks throughout the country to raise funds to support the American Cancer Society's support services and lifesaving research. Our ICF NC Triangle (Durham) team will walk on Saturday, October 26 at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park.
Every dollar really does count, so we're asking for your help. Please donate or join our NC Triangle (Durham) team today, because together we can help find a cure and improve treatment options. Previous local ICF teams raised over $1700. Your generous support can helps us beat that number and hopefully one day defeat breast cancer.
Important Note for full-time ICF employees: ICF will match employee donations 1:1 up to our annual cap of $5K per employee. After donating directly through this page, please Request a Matchthrough GivingPlace to double your impact. When selecting a cause, please search for our local walk: 2024 Making Strides of the Triangle. Enter into the Comments “ICF Team NC Triangle (Durham) Walk.”

ICF Team - NC Triangle (Durham) Walk Raised
I made a personal gift Michele Justice $926.13
Rising Star I made a personal gift Aimee Benson $50.00
Rising Star Karen Davis Platt $30.00
Rising Star I made a personal gift Heidi Hubbard $50.00
Valeria Shropshire $0.00
Fabulous Fundraiser I made a personal gift Almeta West $106.93
Team Gifts $1,040.33
Denotes a Team Captain
Join ICF Team - NC Triangle (Durham) Walk

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ICF Team - NC Triangle (Durham) Walk

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27 out of 257 teams

Donate to ICF Team - NC Triangle (Durham) Walk

Help the American Cancer Society fund cancer research, patient support, and advocacy efforts to end breast cancer as we know it, for everyone.

$2,203.39 raised of $3000 goal

Breast cancer has  likely touched all of our lives in one way or another. My mother is a survivor, my great grandmother fought the disease, and I am at high risk. You likely know someone who has had breast cancer or may be at risk yourself.
This Fall ICF employees and friends will rally together to participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks throughout the country to raise funds to support the American Cancer Society's support services and lifesaving research. Our ICF NC Triangle (Durham) team will walk on Saturday, October 26 at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park.
Every dollar really does count, so we're asking for your help. Please donate or join our NC Triangle (Durham) team today, because together we can help find a cure and improve treatment options. Previous local ICF teams raised over $1700. Your generous support can helps us beat that number and hopefully one day defeat breast cancer.
Important Note for full-time ICF employees: ICF will match employee donations 1:1 up to our annual cap of $5K per employee. After donating directly through this page, please Request a Matchthrough GivingPlace to double your impact. When selecting a cause, please search for our local walk: 2024 Making Strides of the Triangle. Enter into the Comments “ICF Team NC Triangle (Durham) Walk.”

Thank You to All The Donors

Thank you for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer.

Donate to Save Lives

Event Details

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024 9AM

Location: Durham 27701, NC

How Fundraising Impacts Your Community

Cancer hits far too close to home, so the funds you raise will help do the same. Through services and resources like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near hospitals, and a live 24/7 helpline, cancer patients and their families will feel the love. Here’s how recent money raised has been put to incredible uses.

As of September 2024, we are investing $74M for potentially lifesaving breast cancer specific research grants.

We received about 360,000 calls and chats from patients and caregivers seeking support in 2023.

Over 75,000 individuals served through transportation grants and the Road To Recovery program in 2023, with nearly 816,000 rides provided.

Our Sponsors

Many thanks to our generous sponsors for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against breast cancer.


Making Strides Rewards

The ACS Rewards program is our way of thanking you for your creativity and passion! Earn points for every dollar raised and you can redeem those points for Making Strides products and swag.

Strides Rewards
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Could help provide free access to 24-hour information and support via phone, email, and online chats for one person.
Could help provide free access to 24-hour information and support via phone, email, and online chats for two people.
Could help provide 8 rides to and from treatment for a breast cancer patient with our Road to Recovery® program.
Could offer a cancer patient and their caregiver one night of free lodging at a Hope Lodge® location.
Any donation amount helps save lives from breast cancer.

Welcome to our Team Page. We've formed a team because this cause is important to us. We want to help. And walking and raising money in our local American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event is the best way we can do that. We all have different reasons for participating but we share a determination to help save lives from breast cancer.

There are so many ways that the money our team raises helps. It’s helping fund innovative research. It's providing free information for people dealing with the disease. It’s providing rides to treatment and places to stay for people who have to seek treatment far from home. In short, our money is helping save lives. Consider donating to our team and helping advance the cause.

How We Support the American Cancer Society

Of course we walk in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event. And we solicit donations from family, friends, and other supporters. But we also schedule fundraisers in lead-up to the big event. Bake-sales, car washes, and countless other types of events. And we promote those on social media, through Facebook and Twitter, by word of mouth, and through flyers at work and around the neighborhood. The success of fundraising events depends on two things - hard work and getting the word out. And we're out to do both. Keep an eye out for our fundraising events.

Join us. Donate today. Or walk with us.

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Making Strides of the Triangle
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer