Making Strides of Utah

WW Warriors

  IT'S TIME TO GET OUR WALK ON!!!  The American Cancer Society and WW of SLC, Inc. have had a partnership for about 15 years because we know that healthy choices assist in keeping so many cancer diagnosis' at bay.  AND we also know that EARLY DETECTION is key! the spirit of a healthy lifestyle and in supporting an amazing organziation whose groundbreaking research has given us SO MANY WAYS to combat Cancer as well as services to SO MANY who are dealing with a Cancer diagnosis....  LET'S WALK!   Thanks for donating what you can and thank you for joining us for a fun walk on October 28th.  I'll keep you in the loop as the event gets closer, but do know you can CALL ME should you need any more information!!!  And bring family and friends!!  Fun for all!!   801-712-1662.

WW Warriors - Join Team Raised
Super Strider I made a personal gift Gina Williford $535.00
Team Gifts $0.00
Denotes a Team Captain
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