Relay For Life of RIT


Hello all! My name is Amy Roberts your NTID team co- captain. I am a 3rd year ASLIE student at NTID. 


I Relay for Life in remembrance of my father, who bravely fought cancer until his passing in 2020. He passed away at the age of 46 on April 27th, 2020, after being diagnosed in 2017. Despite undergoing surgery for esophageal cancer, the disease metastasized to his liver and lungs. With a background in Criminal Justice, he served as a dedicated NYS Corrections Officer.

Watching SpongeBob together was one of our cherished pastimes. He held his family dear and was a passionate supporter of the Yankees. In addition to him, l've also lost my grandfather and many other loved ones to cancer so l relay for them as well.


Together NTID will come together to fight back against cancer. Students, staff, community, alumni and more will attend as one to celebrate survivors, remember those who’ve passed away, and fight back against the disease. 


I thank all of you for your support. Your participation, donations, and fundraising efforts truly mean so much to myself and my family. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you! 

NTID - Join Team Raised
Grand Club Personal Donation Made Amy Roberts $1,103.08
Bronze Club Personal Donation Made Jennifer Barton $455.50
Personal Donation Made Elizabeth Adamson $15.00
Personal Donation Made Steven Balkam $15.00
Personal Donation Made Aaron Bittel $15.00
Personal Donation Made Anthony Caccese $15.00
Personal Donation Made Cody Campbell $15.00
Personal Donation Made Tyler Cardoso $15.00
Personal Donation Made Tommy Carroll $15.00
Personal Donation Made Terell Demorcy $10.00
Personal Donation Made Ryker Dâ'TMAngelo $15.00
Personal Donation Made Marissa Giuntoli $15.00
Personal Donation Made Lisa Johnston $15.00
Personal Donation Made Emma Kane $15.00
Hope Club Personal Donation Made Cameron Keene $107.20
Personal Donation Made Vishesh Kharbanda $15.00
Personal Donation Made Eugene Kim $15.00
Personal Donation Made Jessica Lavilla $15.00
Personal Donation Made Aidan Lohne $40.00
Personal Donation Made Rachael Murphy $15.00
Personal Donation Made Sammy Robertson $15.00
Personal Donation Made Gursimranjit Singh $15.00
Personal Donation Made Alec Solomon $15.00
Personal Donation Made Chang-May Tan $15.00
Personal Donation Made Peter Thang $15.00
Personal Donation Made Lucas Vaidean $30.00
Hope Club Rhonda Voight-Campbell $105.50
Personal Donation Made Emma Vollmar $10.00
Aimee Whyte $0.00
Hope Club Personal Donation Made Jack Williams $190.50
Personal Donation Made Dasha Yeremin $15.00
Personal Donation Made Kate Young $51.21
Personal Donation Made Julian Zea $15.00
Team Gifts $105.50
Denotes a Team Captain

Logos of RIT, NTID, American Cancer Society, and Relay for Life
Logos of RIT, NTID, American Cancer Society, and Relay for Life

Support NTID!
TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
Bronze Team
We've raised at least $2500!


Team Honor Roll