Relay For Life of Tartan High School

Healing Hearts

Even though we all have our own reason for joining Relay For Life, we'll take down cancer because we're in it together. Our team is fundraising for the American Cancer Society's support service and lifesaving research. 
Believe us, every dollar really does count, so we're asking for your help. Please donate or join our team today, because together we can end cancer.

Healing Hearts Raised
Hope Club Michelle Leepalao $157.00
Cameron Chang $0.00
Zach Fang $0.00
Simon Gurung $30.00
Ashley Hang $63.00
Alice Her $83.00
Kimberly Her $0.00
Hope Club Averie Kue $120.00
Hope Club Personal Donation Made Jayla Liew $104.40
Hope Club Jazzy Ligeralde $110.00
Hope Club Personal Donation Made Noah Ly $100.00
Hope Club Tayler Moua $120.00
Hope Club Personal Donation Made DiHan Nguyen $100.00
Ethan Thao $0.00
Evan Thor $0.00
Jalen Vue $76.00
Hope Club Addison Xiong $113.55
Hope Club Blydechia Xiong $151.00
Hope Club Andrew Yang $120.00
Hope Club Eve Yang $148.75
Hope Club KajShia Yang $142.00
Sage Yang $0.00
Team Gifts $2,177.13
Denotes a Team Captain
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TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
Silver Team
We've raised at least $3500!


Team Honor Roll

Top Donors

Egg Roll Fundraiser

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Volleyball Fundraiser

Chocolate Sales

Andrea Miraflor