Nucor Steel

Nucor Steel
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Nucor Employees Can Help Fight Cancer...

By forming Relay For Life teams at the local level, by volunteering time to help at the event, and by carrying out fund-raising activities to support the American Cancer Society.

Where Does the Money Go?

Your donations help the American Cancer Society provide funding for a wide range of services including research, education and treatment counseling for cancer patients, their families and medical professionals around the globe.

How Do I Get Involved?

Click "Sign Up", enter your zip code, and sign up for a Relay For Life near you. When you "Start a team" as a Team Captain, be sure to select Nucor from the drop-down of National Team corporations, and incorporate Nucor into your team name. Or, click the "Join Existing Team" link to become a team member.

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Top 10 Events
Event Name Amount Members
Relay For Life of Decatur AL



Relay For Life of Hertford-Gates Counties Presented by Nucor Steel Hertford County



Relay For Life of North Mississippi County



Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
Titanium Team Nucor Steel Decatur Relay For Life of Decatur AL



Ruby Team Nucor Steel Hertford County Relay For Life of Hertford-Gates Counties Presented by Nucor Steel Hertford County



Emerald Team NSAR Rolling for a Cure Relay For Life of North Mississippi County



Gold Team Nucor Dream Team Relay For Life of North Mississippi County



Rising Star Team Battleship Armorel (Skyline) Relay For Life of North Mississippi County



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Purple Club Personal Donation Made Jessie Phillips Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


Purple Club Carla Trammel Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


Purple Club William Riddick Relay For Life of Hertford-Gates Counties Presented by Nucor Steel Hertford County


All-Star Club Valentine's Day Basket Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


All-Star Level Personal Donation Made Rochelle Harrell Relay For Life of Hertford-Gates Counties Presented by Nucor Steel Hertford County


Gold Club MomDay Basket Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


Grand Club Personal Donation Made Dian Betkowski Relay For Life of Hertford-Gates Counties Presented by Nucor Steel Hertford County


Silver Club Campfire Chances Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


Silver Club Relay Raffle Chances Relay For Life of North Mississippi County


Silver Club Personal Donation Made Jeremy Condray Relay For Life of North Mississippi County
