Hope on the Slopes Race to Beat Cancer 2015


2009-Skibowl-Hope-sign-and-SusanHope on the Slopes Race to Beat Cancer 2015
Cranmore Mountain Resort
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Total raised:$16,634.00

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Thank you for participating in the  
2015 Hope on the Slopes-A Race to Beat Cancer  38th Annual Ski Race!  


This year we had 85 racers participate and raised over $16,000 in the fight against cancer!  


To view the photos of this year's event please click here:

Click here to join an existing team
Participant Center

Campaign Progress


100+ percent of goal achieved.

Top Donors

Day of Event Donations

Vigilant Capital Management

Story Land Sponsorship

Dan Mulkern

Les, Nanc', Gpa