Event Las Vegas
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24 out of 72 teams

Donate to IGT Strides

Help the American Cancer Society fund cancer research, patient support, and advocacy efforts to end breast cancer as we know it, for everyone.

$51 raised of $5000 goal

86 days left

Thank You to All The Donors

Thank you for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer.

Donate to Save Lives

Event Details

Date: OCT. 20, 2024 (Sunday)

Location: Las Vegas, NV

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  • Privacy Policy
  • How Fundraising Impacts Your Community

    Cancer hits far too close to home, so the funds you raise will help do the same. Through services and resources like free rides to chemo, free places to stay near hospitals, and a live 24/7 helpline, cancer patients and their families will feel the love. Here’s how recent money raised has been put to incredible uses.

    As of January 2022, we have invested $71 M for potentially lifesaving breast cancer specific research grants.

    We have received over 250,000 calls and chats from patients and caregivers seeking support in 2021

    Cancer patients benefited from ACS transportation support through our Road TO Recovery program and transportation grants in 2021, with nearly 229,000 rides provided.

    Our Sponsors

    Many thanks to our generous sponsors for fueling the American Cancer Society's fight against breast cancer.


    Records 1 - 2 of 2

    Page 1 of 1
    Name   Gift Amount  
    Shondra Deloach-Perea

    Records 1 - 2 of 2

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